We are very happy to invite Marcin Baranski to Hong Kong for the first time next month. Marcin has been practicing Buddhism for 20 years and has been teaching since 2001. He is the vice president of the Buddhist Association in Poland since 2007, and is a keen horse rider and traditional fencer.
The program for the weekend will include an opening lecture on Friday evening at 7pm, meditation sessions, and further talks. In summary, the course will explore some of the central teachings of Buddhism and provide practical advice on how one can use the teachings, methods and meditations in everyday life situations to bring fearlessness, joy and compassion into our lives.
Starting with a talk on Friday evening, he will give an overview of Buddhist teachings and their relevance in our modern societies, before moving ever deeper into the core subject. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and take part in guided meditations throughout the weekend course.
Introduction to Buddhism: Friday 8 November, 7pm
Buddhism in Everyday Life 1: Saturday 9 November, 11am
Buddhism in Everyday Life 2: Saturday 9 November 3pm
Meditation practice session: Sunday 10 November, 11am
Buddhism in Everyday Life 3: Sunday 10 November, 3pm
The talks will cost HK$100 (or HK$60 for concessions) to attend and you do not have to join all the talks to take part.
Venue: Diamond Way Buddhist Centre Hong Kong, 2/F, 3-5 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
All are welcome to attend and join us for dinner on Saturday evening after the afternoon session.
We look forward to seeing you there!