First time in HK!
A public talk by Lama Ole Nydahl
Buddha probably used the best word himself when he called his teachings Dharma. For the last 1,000 years in Tibet, their name was Chö. Both mean the way things are. Understanding the way things are is the key to every happiness and leads to the full development of body, speech and mind. His advice allows beings to avoid problems and to enter a state of increasing joy while also liberating and enlightening others.
The Diamond Way (Skt. Vajrayana) is the crown jewel of Buddha’s teachings, employing methods of direct identification with enlightenment for the quickest possible results. Diamond Way Buddhism is part of the Karma Kagyu school, one of the three ‘old’ schools of Tibetan Buddhism headed by the successive Karmapas, which puts special focus on meditation practice. Modern education, which stresses self-reliance and independent thought, has proven to be an excellent basis to access these methods. Through such capable minds, the Buddha’s most effective teachings are being passed on to the most idealistic and independent people around the world.
Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah met the 16th Karmapa in 1969 during their honeymoon in the Himalayas and became his first western students. After years of studying Buddhist teachings and practicing meditation, the 16th Karmapa gave them the task of making the Diamond Way teachings accessible to the modern world. Since then, he has been working to develop a contemporary approach to the Buddha’s teachings and inspired more than 550 Diamond Way Buddhist centers around the world. Lama Ole shows us that spontaneous freshness and resting in the nature of one’s own mind belong together. He is the author of 6 books on Buddhism, translated into over 10 langauges.
Sheung Wan Civic Centre,
Lecture Hall, 5/F,
Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building,
345 Queen’s Road Central,
Hong Kong
HK$80 or HK$40 for concessions (students and senior citizens)
Event information
Tickets can be purchased at all URBTIX outlets
(expected from 20 January 2008)
Internet booking: www.urbtix.hk
Ticketing enquiries and reservation: 2734 9009
Telephone credit card booking: 2111 5999
The talk will be given in English with translation into Cantonese
Contact us
Email: info@buddhism.hk
Telephone: 2537 7553