Category Archives: News

A Weekend of Buddhist Talks

We are very happy to invite you to a series of talks with Diamond Way teacher Sergey Pozdniakov from Moscow, Russia. Sergey will share his in-depth knowledge with us, giving talks on “The Four Basic Thoughts”, “The Enlightened Mind” and “Love and Partnership”. Details of the program are shown below:

The Four Basic Thoughts
Friday 1 November, 7.00pm
Every Diamond Way Buddhist meditation starts with four essential statements that we use to motivate and remind ourselves why it is so important to practise meditation and to learn more about Buddhism. This talk will introduce and explain these four topics and will end with a guided meditation.

The Enlightened Mind 
Saturday 2 November, 3.00pm
As Buddhists, it is important to understand and develop Bodhicitta, the enlightened attitude. Bodhicitta is not a single attribute, it is the combination of many positive attributes such as the application of compassion, kindness, right view and wisdom. Developing these naturally leads us towards enlightenment.

Love and Partnership 
Sunday 3 November, 3.00pm
The Buddha didn’t just teach monks and nuns – in fact, a larger part of his teaching was given to people who could take part in one of life’s most interesting and sometimes difficult aspects: love and relationships. This talk will explain the Diamond Way Buddhist view of this exciting topic, and shows how to use our relationships to learn, develop and bring happiness to others.

About the Speaker

Sergey Pozdniakov was born in 1968 in Western Ukraine and took Buddhist refuge with Lama Ole Nydahl in 1993. In 1997 he moved to Moscow, Russia, and lived in the Moscow Buddhist Centre from 1998 to 2016. Sergey was asked by Lama Ole to start teaching in 2001. He lives in Moscow, is married and works for a printing company.

Other details

Venue: Diamond Way Buddhist Centre Hong Kong

Cost: HK$100 for each talk

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Buddhism in Daily Life

We are very happy to invite you to a series of talks with Diamond Way teacher Victor Burley from Sydney. Victor will share his in-depth knowledge with us, giving two talks on “Buddhism in Daily Life” and “The Six Liberating Actions”. Details of the program are shown below:

Buddhism in Daily Life
Friday 14 June, 7.00pm
So, what is Buddhism? The historical Buddha used the best description himself. During the 1,500 years the teachings existed in India, they were called Dharma, and for the last 1,000 years in Tibet, the name was Chö. Both mean “the way things are”. Understanding “the way things are” is the key to every happiness. Buddha himself is both teacher, example, protector and friend. His teachings allow us to avoid suffering and to enter a state of increasing bliss while also liberating and enlightening others. Simply put, Buddha’s teachings enable us to experience lasting happiness. By using suitable meditations, our theoretical knowledge turns into direct experience leading to the goal of Buddha’s teachings – the full development of body, speech and mind.

The Six Liberating Actions
Saturday 15 June, 3.00pm
The six liberating actions are a motivational teaching for direct use in one’s life. The actions are liberating because they bring a recognition of the ultimate nature of mind, and on a practical level they can lead to a happier life.

About the speaker, Victor Burley

Victor Burley has over 40 years of experience practicing Buddhist methods and has been a student of Lama Ole Nydahl since taking refuge with him 1993. Victor is an engineer who lives and works in Sydney, and is the current President of the Australian Diamond Way Buddhist Association. He has many years of experience practicing and teaching Diamond Way Buddhism which is conveyed through his easygoing style and sense of humour.

Other details

Venue: Diamond Way Buddhist Centre Hong Kong

Cost: HK$100 for each talk

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Meditation weekend course

We are very happy to invite you to a series of talks with Diamond Way teacher Dafydd Morriss from London. Dafydd will share his in-depth knowledge with us, giving two talks “Meditation” and “The Four Basic Thoughts”. Details of the program are shown below:

The Four Basic Thoughts
Friday 7 June, 3.00pm
Every Diamond Way Buddhist meditation starts with four essential statements that we use to motivate and remind ourselves why it is so important to practise meditation and to learn more about Buddhism. This talk will introduce and explain these four topics and will end with a guided meditation.

Saturday 8 June, 3.00pm
The Buddha taught many methods for skilfully working with mind. Among these, meditation techniques are very important and have several aims: they free us from disturbing emotions; help us to realise the dreamlike nature of our experience while strengthening our compassionate ability to help others to do the same; and allow us to recognise the timeless and perfect potential of mind. This talks will give an overview of the types of Buddhist meditation, focussing in particular on how these methods can be used in our daily lives, and will include a guided meditation. 

About the speaker, Dafydd Morriss

Dafydd Morriss (born 1975) began practicing Buddhism in 1999 in India and Nepal, where he met HH 17th Karmapa and received Buddhist refuge from Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche. Dafydd lived in the London Diamond Way Buddhist Centre for 11 years and has been teaching Buddhism on behalf of Lama Ole Nydahl since 2006. He works in the Financial Services industry.

Other details

Venue: Diamond Way Buddhist Centre Hong Kong

Cost: HK$100 for each talk

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Lama Ole Nydahl in Hong Kong (March 2019)

We are delighted to announce that Lama Ole Nydahl will be visiting Hong Kong again in March 2019. There will be a weekend course with Lama Ole Nydahl, Tomek Lehnert (Lama Ole’s student since 1983) and a number of other buddhist teachers from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th March. Topics will include an Introduction to Diamond Way Buddhism, teachings on the ultimate nature of mind or The Great Seal (Mahamudra), and a panel discussion on Meditation in Daily Life (including a longer Q&A session).

We look forward to seeing you there!


Diamond Way Buddhism (with Tomek Lehnert) – Friday 15th March, 7.00pm

Through meditation and integrating the Buddhist view into our daily activities we can develop mind’s inherent power and clarity. “Diamond Way” is a translation of the Sanskrit word Vajrayana and is considered to be the most direct of the three levels of Buddha’s teachings. The Diamond Way helps us discover and develop our inner richness for the benefit of all beings. Tomek Lehnert will present an overview of the teachings, meditations and view found in Diamond Way Buddhism on Friday evening to start our course.

Meditation session – Saturday 16th March, 11.00am

While Buddhism has a deep and coherent philosophy, it primarily follows an experiential path. So join us for a meditation session and see if Diamond Way Buddhism might be interesting for you.

The Great Seal (with Lama Ole) – Saturday 16th March, 3.00pm

The highlight of our weekend course is a session with Lama Ole Nydahl on The Great Seal, the crown jewel of the Buddha’s teachings. It was taught by the Buddha to to fully awaken mind’s potential and to seal its enlightened nature, an experience of limitless space and bliss. When one rests in the totality of the seer, what is seen and the act of seeing at all times, the goal, Mahamudra, is reached. Including basis, way and goal, it brings about the direct experience of mind’s enlightened nature. Lama Ole Nydahl will present his contemporary commentary on the Great Seal on Saturday afternoon, an event not to be missed!

Meditation in Daily Life – Sunday 17th March, 3.00pm

In Buddhism, meditation means “effortlessly remaining in what is.” This state may be brought about by calming and holding the mind, by realising compassion and wisdom, or by working with the body’s energy channels and meditating on Buddha forms. Meditation is focused on fully developing our potential and brings about lasting results for those who not only want to learn about their minds, but have a direct experience of it. On Sunday afternoon, our panel of Buddhist teachers will explain how we can fit meditation practice into our daily lives.

Event Information

Full course: HK$400 (HK$300 for concessions)

Individual talks: HK$120 (HK$90 for concessions)

(payment at the door)

Venue: Bradbury School, 43C Stubbs Road, HK.

The talks will be in English, translation into Cantonese will be provided if needed.


Please take a few moments to register for the course by clicking on this link. Many thanks!


If you are travelling from overseas and need accommodation, we recommend staying at the Holiday Inn in Sheung Wan if you want to stay close to our centre. Any hotel in Sheung Wan or Wan Chai would make it easy to join the course at Bradbury School. The best rates are normally online, at websites like,, etc. 

His Holiness 17th Gyalwa Karmapa visiting Hong Kong

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Thaye Dorje, will visit Hong Kong in spring 2018. From 31 March to 8 April, Karmapa will bestow empowerments, conduct pujas, and lead a Kagyu Monlam.

Karmapa will also give teachings on the Buddha Dharma, and preside over a traditional fish release ceremony.

More information

For more information about the visit, including the schedule and locations, please see the website of the New Horizon Buddhist Association.


Lama Ole Nydahl in Hong Kong (March 2018)

We are delighted to announce that Lama Ole Nydahl will be visiting Hong Kong from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th March 2018 to give teachings on Meditation and The Great Seal (Skt. Mahamudra / Tib. Chag Chen).

Meditation: The Key to Lasting Happiness

In Buddhism, meditation means “effortlessly remaining in what is.” This state may be brought about by calming and holding the mind, by realising compassion and wisdom, or by working with the body’s energy channels and meditating on Buddha forms. The most effective methods are the constant identification with one’s own potential to be a Buddha and experiencing the richness of every situation in life; both of which are taught in Diamond Way Buddhism. Meditation is focused on fully developing our potential and brings about lasting results for those who not only want to learn about their minds, but have a direct experience of it.

The Great Seal: Limitless Space and Joy

The Great Seal is the crown jewel of the Buddha’s teachings and was taught by him to fully awaken mind’s potential and to seal its enlightened nature, an experience of limitless space and bliss. When one rests in the totality of the seer, what is seen and the act of seeing at all times, the goal, Mahamudra, is reached. Including basis, way and goal, it brings about the direct experience of mind’s enlightened nature. Lama Ole Nydahl will give his contemporary commentary on the Great Seal Wishes, a classic Mahamudra text composed by the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (1284–1339).

The weekend course will start with a talk on Friday evening. Over the weekend, Lama Ole will introduce The Great Seal and the progressive stages which lead to this state. There will also be a talk given by an experienced Diamond Way Buddhist teachers and guided meditations throughout the course.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Meditation: The Key to Lasting Happiness (with Lama Ole) – Friday 2nd March, 7.00pm

Buddhism in Every Day Life – Saturday 3rd March, 10.00am

The Great Seal: Limitless Space and Joy (with Lama Ole) – Saturday 3rd March, 3.00pm

The Great Seal: Limitless Space and Joy (with Lama Ole) – Sunday 4th March, 3.00pm

Event Information

Full course: HK$400 (HK$300 for concessions)

Individual talks: HK$120 (HK$90 for concessions)

(payment at the door)

Venue: Bradbury School, 43C Stubbs Road, HK.

The talks will be in English, translation into Cantonese will be provided.


Please take a few moments to register for the course by clicking on this link. Many thanks!


If you are travelling from overseas and need accommodation, we recommend staying at the Holiday Inn in Sheung Wan if you want to stay close to our centre. The best rates are normally online, at websites like,, etc.

The Way Things Are

We are very happy to invite you to a short series of talks, The Way Things Are, with Diamond Way teacher Marek Rosinski. Buddha probably used the best word himself when he called his teachings Dharma. For the last 1,000 years in Tibet, their name was Chö. Both mean the way things are. Understanding the way things are is the key to every happiness and leads to the full development of body, speech and mind. His advice allows beings to avoid problems and to enter a state of increasing joy while also liberating and enlightening others.

Details of the program is shown below:

The Way Things Are – an introduction to Buddhism
Friday 20 October, 7.00pm

The Way Things Are – a deeper dive
Saturday 21 October, 3pm
Sunday 22 October, 3pm

About the speaker

Marek Rosinski is a student of Lama Ole Nydahl and has been practicing Diamond Way Buddhism for more than 25 years. He has traveled with Lama Ole and his wife Hannah in Europe, Asia, and both Americas supporting them in their work. Marek has two daughters and works as a lawyer in his native Poland with an international law firm.

Other details

Venue: Diamond Way Buddhist Centre Hong Kong

Cost: HK$100 / HK$60 for each talk

Look forward to seeing you at the talks!

Talks on Buddhism and Philosophy

We are very happy to invite you to a series of talks with Diamond Way teacher Artur Przybyslawski. Artur is an expert in Buddhist philosophy which he teaches at university and a translator of Tibetan to both English and Polish. Details of the program with Artur is shown below:

Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
Friday 22 September, 7.00pm

Weekend Course: Meditation and Philosophy in Buddhism
Saturday 23 September, 11am and 3pm
Sunday 24 September, 11am

About the speaker, Artur Przybyslawski

Born in 1970, in Lodz (Poland). He took refuge in 1994 and is a travelling teacher since 2006. He studied philosophy at the University of Lodz (MA) and Jagiellonian University (PhD). The title of PhD dissertation “The thought of Tales and Heraclitus in the philosophy of Aristotle, Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger”, title of Habilitation: “Buddhist philosophy of Emptiness”. Area of speciality: Buddhist philosophy (madhyamaka, shentong view, pramana). He works currently at Jagiellonian University at the Chair of Comparative Studies of Civilisations where he teaches Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy. Author of three books: “Coincidentia oppositorum”, Buddhist “Philosophy of Emptiness”, “Emptiness is joy or Buddhist philosophy with tongue in cheek”, editor of “From Buddhism to science and back”, translator from English and Tibetan.

Other details

Venue: Diamond Way Buddhist Centre Hong Kong

Cost: HK$100 / HK$60 for each talk

Look forward to seeing you at the talks!

Two Talks About Buddhism (15 July 2017)


Please join us for a two talks on Saturday 15 July with a visiting teacher, Roman Kouzmenko from Melbourne, about karma (or cause and effect) and meditation and how they relate to our lives today. Buddha’s teachings enable us to experience lasting happiness, in particular by applying teachings on karma. By using suitable meditations, our theoretical knowledge turns into direct experience leading to the goal of Buddha’s teachings – the full development of body, speech and mind.

The full schedule and details are below.


Saturday 15 July, 11am: Karma – Cause and Effect

Saturday 15 April, 3pm: Meditation in Daily Life

About the speaker:

Roman Kouzmenko met Lama Ole and Hannah Nydahl in 2000. From 2003 he has been helping to run the Diamond Way Centre in Melbourne. Roman has been teaching Buddhism since 2003, his style is joyful, relaxed and practical.


Diamond Way Buddhist Centre Hong Kong


Each talk costs HK$100 / HK$60

Look forward to seeing you at the talks!